Watermelon farming manual pdf

The first step in this watermelon cultivation guide is to. While melon plants are growing, blooming, and setting fruit, they need 1 to 2 inches of water per week. Farming guide for watermelon plantation family name. Roots the watermelon root system formation begins prior to emergence of cotyledons to the soil surface and reaches maximum extension by the time of flowering.

The cultivation process in watermelon farming is quite complicated as you need to plant the seedlings in a specific way to give them better space to germinate. When planting the watermelon seed, each hole for the watermelon seedling needs. A farmers guide to growing watermelons, by mwesige. After thinning and sidedressing, furrows are reformed to the condition prior to. Watermelons can be grown on any welldrained soil throughout georgia but are particularly well adapted to the coastal plain soils of south georgia. Diseases and insect pests melons suffer most of the diseases and insect pests that attack other cucurbits. In areas where growing season is short, light soil is desirable for early harvest. Additionally, watermelon seeds will show better germination rates with heat. Commercial watermelon production university of georgia. It is better to choose the hybrid seeds, as in the end you will get the best results. How to grow watermelon guide to growing watermelon. But where applicable, it is recommended that the instructions issued be given due consideration. Watermelon conjures fond memories of hot summer days, chins dripping with juice and happy kids running around.

Farming sector too has not remained untouched by it. History and background watermelon, citrullus lanatus, is part of the cucurbitaceae family and is thought to have originated in southern arica. Everything you need to know about growing watermelons is here. This booklet offers you a step by step guide to growing your own watermelons. The document is a good source of information and covers everything about watermelon farming including. Pdf on jan 1, 20, raman ramesh and others published watermelon production guidelines. To help you with growing watermelon, our comprehensive guide gives you all the details about planting, harvesting, companion plants and pests.

Watermelon production guide citrullus lanatus thumberg matsum and nakai watermelon is now widespread in all tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Watermelon farming in kenya, watermelon tips and varieties guide. How to be a profitable watermelon farmer the ultimate. In directseeded plantings, seed is placed 1,2 cm to 1,9 cm deep. There are multiple markets for growers with 2 ha or less and many field operations, such as land preparation, planting and harvesting, can be custom hired. Dec 11, 2017 watermelon cultivation can be done as an intercrop or as a standalone watermelon farm. The chapters in this publication represent the latest information available on successful watermelon production.

How to grow a good watennelon crop in nigeria training method 1. Watermelon is a warmseason crop related to cantaloupe, squash, cucumber and pumpkin. This article provides a step by step guide in watermelon farming irrespective of your location. They are highyielding, mature faster and do well in the market, says annie who farms under the trade name farm2home. Watermelon farming emanual on sale agroenvironment initiative. Oct 22, 2015 watermelon farming in kenya is what is behind the fruit known for being juicy and sweet. If the watermelon sounds like it gives a little, its ripe. Follow the pieces of advice in the article like soil preparation for watermelons or how many watermelon plants per acre should you plant, and your watermelon buyers in kenya will increase day after day. The expenses of watermelons production are pretty low. Watermelon 5 watermelon best practice guide 6 agronomy 6 pest and disease management 10 harvesting and post harvest management 15 specifications for high quality watermelon 16 guidelines for onfarm food safety.

Apr 08, 2014 the watermelon is an annual herbaceous trailing plant which belongs to the cucurbitaceous family and goes by the scientific name of citrullus lanatus. Commercial watermelon production i foreword ten years have passed since this publication was updated. Today, watermelon is cultivated all over the world on all five continents. Watermelon farming in kenya is a profitable business, that can pay off in the shortest terms. Now that you have a clue on the varieties of watermelons and the necessary conditions, here is a watermelon farming guide in kenya. Smallholder horticultural production and business trainers manual 03 table 1 table 2 table 3 table 4 table 5 table 6 table 7 table 8 table 9 table 10 table 11 table 12 table table 14 table 15 table 16 table 17 table 18 table 19 table 20 table 21 table 22 table 23 table 24 table 25 table 26 table 27 table 28 table 29. This method is also applicable anywhere in the world just that some techniques might be altered due to the varying climatic conditions of the environment where it. Farmers handbook on basic agriculture acknowledgement h igher demand for agricultural raw material is now anticipated and agriculture is not any more about producing farm products and selling them exclusively at the local market. Watermelon farming, cultivation information guide agri farming. Mar 11, 2017 watermelon farming business plan and feasibility study template watermelon business secret, growing watermelons commercially in nigeria, profit per acre of watermelon, price of watermelon in nigeria, watermelon farming nairaland, watermelon farming pdf, watermelon yield per hectare in nigeria, how to farm watermelon minecraft. While at it, take note of the areaspecific opportunities and. Yield level was positive and significantly influenced by labour input. Watermelon farming in kenya, watermelon tips and varieties.

Maturity is indicated when the fruit gives off a hollow sound when tapped with knuckles. Watermelon is ready for harvest in about three to four months. The fruit grows in nyeri and other highland regions as well during the warm months, but watermelons grown in the highlands are of inferior quality to those grown in hot areaswatermelons. Nitrogen management guide for watermelon from nitrogen. We hope you will try them, they are very rewarding, and super delicious. Watermelon production manual modern agriculture farming in. The common theme throughout all four is the necessity for careful planning and the need of. It has been nine years since annie, went into watermelon farming in kenya, a business that has brought her great joy. The most popular types of seeds in kenya are sugar baby, ealy scarlet f1, daytona f1, zuri f1, sukari f1 and pato f1. Watermelon farming in kenya is best done in the hot regions of the country. The author examines four recent sets of guidelines for the production of union catalogues of serials.

Dont plant when the ground has snow because even the so called hybrid varieties wont be able to tolerate the extreme cold. The purpose of this guide is to assist farmers in growing high quality watermelons which do not contain excessive pesticide residues. Some varieties have seeds while others are seedless. We also wish to thank all of the past authors and participants that have helped to refine and continually improve this handbook. Pdf on may 2, 2015, jim sler and others published watermelon production find, read and cite all the research you need on researchgate.

Book description html farmers intending to venture into watermelon growing can find this booklet very valuable as it contains a number of headlines that a farmer can use from start to the end of a watermelon. Regular additions of organic matter in the form of cover crops, compost, or manure create a soil that is biologically active, with good structure and capacity to hold nutrients and water any raw manure applications should occur at least 120 days before harvest. The term dry onion is used to distinguish them from green onions which are pulled while ops are still green and usually before a large bulb has formed. Annie nyaga is one of the most successful watermelon farmers in kenya.

Garlic and onion farming in kenya guide there are about one thousand two hundred varieties of watermelons grown in over ninetysix countries globally. This manual may not have been provided in a pdf format but it has all basic techniques, strategies, manual on how to profitably start a water melon farming business here in nigeria. Here are some useful tips that will guide you if you want to start your own grasscutter farming business. She started growing the fruit on her parents threeacre farm with a capital outlay of sh20,000. Watermelons are large round fruits that thrive very well in dry lands. Learn how to grow watermelon, watermelon cultivation practices, varieties, season, pests and watermelon plant diseases etc. Watermelon grows as a vine that sends out long runners along the ground. Watermelons will continue to be an important part of vegetable production in the state.

Watermelon is frost sensitive and are monoecious both male and female flowers are produced on the. The coastal areas, machakos and kajiado are leading producers of the fruit. You may consider reading a whole lot from the internet. It is needful that you do a lot in research about the business you want to venture into. Watermelon farming, cultivation information guide agri.

Currently, watermelon farming is quite popular in the north and a majority of the watermelon consumed in the south comes from the northern part of the country. Starting a grasscutter farming business in west africa or in any part of the world is a lucrative business simply because of the nutritional value of grasscutters. Therefore, the fourth chapter of the book is devoted to farm management. They are a good source of water in the diets of human beings but can also be used for making jams and other preservatives including jell preparation. How to start a profitable watermelon farming business in. Visit farms near you to understand the ins and outs of the watermelon farming business in kenya. Starting a watermelon farm sample business plan template. But before you can do that, you have to know how to plant and produce ordinary watermelons as per below watermelon production guide i got from the bureau of plant industry website. Farmers intending to venture into watermelon growing can find this booklet very valuable as it contains a number of headlines that a farmer can use from start to the end of a watermelon growing project. She used the money to buy seeds, but soon realised that she needed more to invest in a proper drip irrigation system. Instead farmers today have a world market to serve. Sow seeds 14 deep in flats or small pots, sowing 3 seeds per pot.

Growing watermelons requires lots of space, lots of sun, lots of water and lots of nutrients. Keep the soil between 8090 degrees, using a heat mat if necessary. Watermelon is frost sensitive and are monoecious both male and female flowers are produced on the same plant. Melons melons final harvest 100 20 40 60 80 days after planting 120 planting leaves 100 80 40 40 20 3in. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. They are a good source of water in the diets of human beings. Watermelon farming requires a long period of heat, just as it is for okra farming, to be able to produce sweet fruits. Watermelon production guide the filipino entrepreneur.

Watermelon requires more aeration than any other kind of crops, so the field must have good drainage to obtain good yield. Watering is very importantfrom planting until fruit begins to form. South africa locally watermelon is planted in most warm areas of the country. Watermelon prefers a welldrained sandy loam soil rich in organic matter and which has not been previously palnted to watermelon. Watermelons are planted on flat beds 2 m wide and 20 cm to 30 cm high. It is to educate and equip the farmers to make proper plans, take appropriate decisions and also to take advantage of the improved technologies. How to grow watermelons complete growing guide youtube.

Commercial watermelon production 1 watermelon is a warmseason crop related to cantaloupe, squash, cucumber and pumpkin. Once seeds start to germinate, lower soil temp slightly to the mid 70s, for 12 weeks, also decreasing water. How to cultivate watermelon sustainably the guardian. It looks at things like planting, weeding, pests and diseases, harvesting and storage and value addition. Citrullus lanatus if you stay in warmer climates, you can direct sow seeds outdoors, but wait until the soil temperature warms to at least 70 degrees to avoid poor germination. They are greedy, rambling vines, like all plants in the cucurbiteae family e. Watermelon farming in kenya is easy to start, the plant requires little management and the market is plenty. Watermelon farming in kenya and all you need to know. Onions cultivars varieties are classified into groups according to when they bulb. Watermelon production guide how to grow watermelon. This is a watermelon farming guide for anyone thinking of ways to start a watermelon farm in kenya. As they require a long growing season, watermelons are best started indoors approximately 34 weeks prior to the last frost of the season.

The level of education was significant and found to contribute positively to technical efficiency while farming. Commercial watermelon production uga cooperative extension. Watermelon features a highly branching taproot extending up to 1 m deep into the soil. When planting the watermelon seed, each hole for the watermelon seedling needs to be 1 foot deep and over 1. Find, read and cite all the research you need on researchgate. Known to reduce stress by researchers watermelons have benefits like reducing fatigue. Commercialising smallholder farming rarp csf value chain development horticulture crops fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices and tea objectives development of sustainable contract farming arrangements and market.

Harvesting generally harvesting occurs 1117 weeks after planting. Water at the vines base in the morning, and try to avoid wetting the leaves and avoid overhead watering. One acre of land requires approximately 40,000 ksh. Dear reader, the southeastern vegetable extension workers group is proud to offer you the 19th edition of the vegetable crop handbook for the southeastern united states. Watermelon can also perform well in higher areas during the hot season under irrigation.

Learn how to plant, grow, and harvest watermelon with this growing guide from the old farmers almanac. I settled for watermelon farming in kenya because they do very well in mbeere. The watermelon is ripe when there is little contrast between the stripes. Seeded watermelon in largescale production, few seeded varieties are currently grown. Watermelon, citrullus lanatus, is part of the cucurbitaceae family and is thought to have originated in. When flowers appear, 2 to 4 bee hives should be placed per ha up to 6 hives if there are no natural bees in the area. Seeds can be planted when the temperature is at mid 70s to 80s. Watermelon plants have separate male and female flowers on the same plant and bees are needed for pollination. Where do you presently find information on farming. A farmers guide to growing watermelons, by mwesige emmanuel. South africa locally watermelon is planted in most warm areas of.

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